Welcome to the Harbor Beach Property Homeowners Association 

November 30, 2024HB0824 Cover550

The December'24/January'25 issue of HARBOR BEACH Magazine is at the printer and will be hitting neighborhood mailboxes in early December. As always, it's also published in digital magazine format and our online friends and followers can view it NOW by clicking on the cover at right. You'll want to check out the notice for our HBPHOA Annual Meeting (in my President's Message) along with preview info about the topics and issues that will be discussed. We also want to thank Jennifer O'Flannery Anderson for her excellent article on year-end philanthropic giving and how much more it means at this time of year. Stacy Ritter from Visit Lauderdale again reminds of all the holiday things to do here that are for locals as well as the visitors. And Chef Udo Mueller of Coral Ridge Country Club passes along a favorite holiday recipe that you won't want to miss! On behalf of our HBPHOA Board, we want to wish you and yours a happy and health holiday season...and a fantastic new year ahead in 2025! 


Are you receiving our private 'Harbor Beach Property Homeowners Only' E-Newsletter?

For our HBPHOA members only, we also have a private e-newsletter that we use to keep members and Harbor Beach residents up-to-date on breaking news or when time-sensitive information needs to get out to our homeowners quickly. If you would like to receive these important updates and notices (specifically and exclusively for Harbor Beach homeowners) please send your name, email address and street address in Harbor Beach to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to Jim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to the list. We do not sell or share our private HBPHOA email list in any way with anyone, so please sign up and stay informed.

Thank you!

Annette Ross
President, HBPHOA

S5 Box




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